Sometimes it seems easy for many companies to offer platitudes about how they’re thankful for their customers and staff. I’m sure their gratitude is real, but often it feels like they’re only sharing a holiday message because it’s expected from “human” brands.
At TCT, we don’t take anything for granted, and Thanksgiving is just one of many reminders that our clients really do mean everything to us. So I’m taking a moment to thank you, our customers, from the bottom of my heart — not because it’s the expected thing to do, but because it’s true.
We really are thankful for our customers, every single day.
Gratitude for Our Clients
As TCT has continued to grow, I’m very thankful for the relationships we have built with our clients. It’s telling when someone at a client organization gets to know TCT and likes the solution so much that when they change employers they immediately start recommending TCT Portal to their new boss. It’s even more telling when that happens many times over.
That’s one of the strongest compliments we could hope for. We don’t take it for granted that clients love us enough to spread the word about our compliance management solution.
It’s challenging to build a company from nothing, and our success wouldn’t have been possible without the kinds of relationships we get to enjoy with our clients. For that, I’m extremely grateful.
Thankful for Our Staff
That kind of customer enthusiasm is a compliment to our support staff as well as the people who develop TCT Portal. Our team has been working hard all year, and they’ve done an amazing job of taking care of our customers.
Over the course of the year, our staff have expertly navigated the waters so that we could release a second instance of TCT Portal in Europe. Meanwhile, they continued to give our existing customers world-class service.
One of the greatest things about working with the folks at TCT is the sense of shared purpose and camaraderie. I’ve never been part of a team that worked so well together. The faith that these people put in each other and the organization is both humbling and rewarding.
Looking Ahead
I mentioned earlier that we’ve expanded to Europe. That’s a dream come true for us, and I’m thankful that we can extend our capability to help others. At TCT, we often talk tongue-in-cheek about helping to make compliance management suck less. We now have the opportunity to help organizations in Europe that need help making their compliance management suck less.
TCT was born out of a desire to help others, and it’s a thrill to further spread that outreach across the globe.
A side benefit of this expansion is that we’ll have a whole new set of inputs from our customers in Europe — requests for features and functionality they want to see on the platform. TCT has always been a collaborative organization.
We listen to the inputs from our customers to help us make the compliance management solution as useful as possible for our entire client base. Expanding to Europe introduces a whole new group of people to the Portal, and I can’t wait to hear their suggestions for requests for new features.
There’s more coming in the months and years ahead, and if you’re not already on board, I hope you’ll come along for the ride. You’ll be thankful you did. This is just the start of good things to come.

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