
About TCT

We’ve battle-hardened TCT through thousands of engagements, led by our own team, our clients, and assessment firms.

Our Approach

Total Compliance Tracking is dedicated to improving the operational efficiency of managing complex compliance environments to facilitate collaboration between all stakeholders to achieve completion so clients can focus precious resources back on the core value of their business.

We connect the dots between internal IT resources, external auditing firms, and vendors to make sure each and every engagement requirement is completed in a cohesive, coordinated manner.

Our Mission

The mission of Total Compliance Tracking (TCT) is to be an engine for doing good in a world, where so many organizations are interested in simply lining the pockets of the leadership and investors.

The first step of that mission is to ensure the ongoing stability of TCT. Devoted to a solid foundation for what should be the most important part of any organization, are the people that work for TCT. As such, TCT is devoted to achieving a point where we’re compensating those personnel in such a way that there is no financial reason they would consider going elsewhere. From my past experience, it’s the turnover of personnel that has one of the most detrimental impacts on an organization and we’re seeking to eliminate that possibility.

Happy people working for TCT means we can supply superior solutions and services to our customers. Our customer support strives to be fanatical in its speed, efficiency, and effectiveness. TCT is devoted to taking the input from our clients seriously and incorporating their needs into our solutions. TCT aims to serve their clients (crazy concept, right?), do right by them and continuously provide improved solutions to make their jobs in the compliance space easier and facilitate the peace of mind of their customers.

TCT aims to serve all the compliance needs of our customers and will integrate additional industry-standard compliance standards for any paying customer. We regularly add new compliance standards into the mix and incorporate new requests from customers on a regular basis.

As TCT concludes the building process toward compensating those who work for TCT, we can move on to become what it’s been envisioned to be for so long – an engine for doing good in this world and helping others.

It is the mission of TCT to allocate a substantial portion of profits to the cause of helping others. TCT will accomplish this goal through several channels:

  • Charitable giving to various causes of social value
  • Investing in organizations similarly devoted to doing good in this world
  • Investing in additional businesses which are devoted to helping others

For each organization that benefits from an investment from the TCT engine of good, we’ll seek a small portion of their profits be devoted to investment back into this engine of doing good, and through our collective efforts support that goal of making a difference and helping others.

We’ve been there.

Total Compliance Tracking was born from first-hand experience with complex compliance engagements from every perspective. It didn’t take long to realize the need for a dramatic and disruptive improvement in managing compliance engagements for operational efficiency.

The TCT platform incorporates our in-depth expertise in managing compliance engagements, working with auditing firms and IT staff, oversight of infrastructure, development, change control, SDLC, and every other nuance of IT-related experience you can imagine.

We’re Here to Help

We’re here to make it easier for you to manage compliance every single day.
How can we help you?

Adam Goslin


Adam started in compliance just like most TCT users, in a corporate IT department, with that tap on the shoulder to figure out how to manage annual audits. Leveraging his background in systems development, Adam founded TCT with the mission to improve the compliance management universe!

headshot of James

James Voight


James quickly rose through the ranks of development into IT management, with a keen eye for consistent processes and operational efficiency. As TCT’s Head of Operations, James brings operational excellence and deep domain knowledge of security and compliance standards.

Matt Morgan


Matt has honed his craft in product development from developer to information architect and guides TCT’s SaaS product evolution. In his role at TCT, Matt leads the IT team in its perennial quest to evolve the TCT platform to continually delight users with the perfect blend of quality and feature enhancements, stability, and security.

Jon Dotson


Jon started in corporate IT as a technical support rep and transitioned into IT project management. With excellent customer support experience and advanced knowledge of project management process, he managed all internal and external development projects. As Product Manager for TCT, Jon collaborates with clients to align TCT Portal to business strategies to deliver an experience that delights.

Todd Coshow

Global Partnerships

Todd brings a decade of SaaS experience to the TCT team. His client-centric approach fuels TCT’s mission of being an engine for good, while prioritizing the compliance management needs of our clients. As TCT’s primary point of contact for new partnerships, Todd makes it a priority to be accessible and responsive. He prides himself on transparency in business and finds more value in building relationships than profits.

Mike headshot

Michael Kroon


Mike brings almost two decades of compliance knowledge and experience to the TCT Team. Before joining Total Compliance Tracking, he served in business development and sales in a secure hosting organization, where he helped customers successfully migrate to a compliant environment. Mike takes a help-first approach with customers, ensuring that organizations have what they need to get where they need to go — and to protect their companies from disastrous risks.

Sarah Collier

Internal Operations

Sarah orchestrates Customer Experience at TCT from initial introduction to onboarding and ensures that those who manage complex compliance succeed in their efforts to use the TCT portal to create a streamlined, efficient process for both point-in-time and ongoing auditing.

Want to see it in action?

We’ll give you a custom demo.