It’s a new year. Time for that annual tradition of writing out those resolutions you’re determined to keep. This time, it’ll happen! I know some people who resolve not to make resolutions. It’s a convenient way not to fail — but for businesses, it’s a sure-fire way not to succeed.

Your organization probably has some New Year’s resolutions for the year. We usually call them annual goals, or 1-Year Plans. Your assessment firm’s annual goals drive everything you do throughout the year. And if your company is going to hit those targets, it’ll take everyone at your organization to get onboard and rowing in the same direction.

Besides internal support, you’ll need partners who can help you achieve your business goals for 2020, too. Total Compliance Tracking’s mission is to be an engine for helping others and doing good in the world. That means TCT is here to help your organization achieve its purpose, and accomplish your business goals for 2020.

We hope you’ll see us as your Most Valuable Partner toward achieving your goals and vision for the year.

How TCT Helps You Reach Your Business Goals

A strong partnership depends on having the best people to help your company reach its annual goals. The most important part of any organization is the people who make it run. That’s why TCT is built on hiring and retaining the best people. We’re devoted to treating our people well, giving them every reason to stick with TCT — increasing the stability of our organization and thereby increasing the consistency of service delivery in the process.

Happy people working for TCT means we can supply superior compliance software to our partners. Our developers are devoted to building the industry’s best compliance management solution, and our support team is fanatical in its speed, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Compliance can be really painful, and there’s typically a lot of wasted time and effort. It’s rewarding to alleviate that pain, and it’s humbling to receive feedback from clients who say how much they appreciate the capabilities of TCT Portal.

What Will 2020 Bring?

Like your company, we have a set of targets for 2020 as well. We’re very excited about our goals for the year, because they’re helping us get to the next level of TCT’s mission to be an engine for doing good in the world.

A long-term part of our mission is to allocate a substantial portion of our profits to the cause of helping others. This includes:

  • Charitable giving to various causes of social value
  • Investing in organizations similarly devoted to doing good in this world
  • Investing in additional businesses that are devoted to helping others

This year we’re aiming to start gearing up and laying the foundations of this program — creating the structure and starting the process of building out the vision. We aim to start funding the program and filling out the people infrastructure later this year.

Our partnerships with companies like yours helps TCT to reach our goal of making a greater impact on the compliance industry, and on the world around us.

Your Most Valuable Partner

What are your company’s business goals for 2020? We hope you’ll see us as a Most Valuable Partner toward achieving your organization’s vision. Let us join you in those efforts — and join us in ours!

TCT exists to help your organization achieve its mission, and to accomplish your business goals for 2020. Get to know more — subscribe to our blog at the bottom of this page.


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