Total Compliance Tracking got its start on the foundation of strong relationships with folks in the security and compliance space. As the company continues to grow, those relationships remain critical—not because they benefit the bottom line, but because TCT is built on a mission of making the world a better place. That doesn’t mean a thing apart from relationships.

As we enter 2019, TCT is going on an all-out mission to help anybody who is dealing with compliance chaos. We’re passionate about helping companies that need a tool to help calm the insanity, and we hope to be a mechanism of peace and joy in the compliance space this year.

But our goals go beyond compliance and security. With your partnership, we hope to be a vehicle or doing good throughout the world. As we move forward, we will dedicate a substantial portion of our profits toward helping others, including assistance for various charities and educational programs. We hope you’ll join us in that mission.

The holidays are an important time to invest in the relationships that matter most—especially family and close friends. I’ve been lucky to count many of my business relationships as friendships as well. So from the family at Total Compliance Tracking to all our friends, partners and clients, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


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