If you’re sleeping well at night, it might be because you’re operating under a false sense of security. Just because you believe your company is secure from a data breach, that doesn’t mean it’s actually protected. Before the TCT days, I was blissfully ignorant and had no idea that my employer’s organization needed to step up its game. 

I clearly remember the feeling I had when I headed down the path of compliance for the first time. I realized I was under the false assumption that we were in good shape, even though initially it seemed obvious to me that we had it all under control.

But when I began to go through PCI DSS, my eyes were opened. Suddenly, I was aware of everything that we should have been doing all along. The sheer volume of activities we should have been doing was overwhelming. 

For the first time, I realized how much I didn’t know, and I was struck by the false sense of security I had been living under.

Compliance Management Can Be a Cruel Taskmaster

It can be a difficult reality to realize all that you need to be doing (and aren’t currently doing) to effectively protect your organization. Once you get that wake-up call, it’s hard to sleep at night. 

Managing compliance engagements is incredibly challenging, even if you’re knowledgeable. Attempting to keep your fingers on the pulse of hundreds of line items and data is nearly impossible. 

For many compliance managers and CISOs, the experience of managing compliance is more like being managed by compliance. There’s a continual sense of being placed into the service of compliance. Just think about that for a minute. Your compliance program should exist to serve your company — why do so many people feel like they exist to serve a compliance standard?

Gaining Independence Over Compliance Chaos

That’s why TCT was formed — so that people could gain command of their security and compliance engagements. When you’re in control of your compliance engagement, you gain a feeling of independence. You now have command and control over your compliance realm. You actually know what you’re doing, and the objective for why you’re doing it. 

TCT Portal provides real-time tracking that shows you at a glance what is complete and what isn’t. You have the evidence at your fingertips that prove what controls are in place. This gives you a strong sense of assurance that you’re ready to go through the annual audit with your Assessor or simply to eliminate that false sense of security internally.

I use the word “independence,” because it feels like you have a kind of freedom that comes over you. You’ve got this, and you know you’re in good shape. Your compliance engagement is under control — you’re running your engagement, and it finally isn’t running you.

You don’t have to be held under the thumb of your own compliance engagement — that was never the purpose of security/compliance to begin with. Compliance with a security standard should exist to serve your organization, not the other way around. 

And if you feel like you’re acting in service of a nameless, faceless compliance beast, I have good news for you: you can gain independence — for your company’s benefit, and for your own sanity.

Declare Your Independence

If you’re ready to have that sense of freedom that comes with confirmed competence and confidence, it’s time to have a conversation with someone at TCT. We can help you figure out what your needs are to gain that independence from your circle of compliance hell.

Book a call with us — after you’ve celebrated Independence Day. I hope you have a good one.

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